Merci for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! | 7 Random Facts About PatriciaParisienne

Wow! Thank you so much for this award, A French American Life!

Here are the award’s rules:

First: Link back to the page that nominates you (Merci, A French American Life!)

A lover of words and the world, I started my blog as a way to document my adventures, experiences, and life in Paris. The reaction I’ve gotten from PatriciaParisienne was way more than I had imagined it to be. It’s opened up many opportunities, has allowed me to have some incredible experiences, and enabled me to get to know some pretty cool people, like the fantastic woman who has nominated me for this award. I love writing, blogging, and using all forms of social media, so thank you so much for reading and for sharing in the adventure!

very inspiring blogger award patriciaparisienne a french american life

Second: Post the award image. (Check!)

Third: Share 7 random facts about yourself.

Hmmm not sure how much you actually want to know about me; Paris is much more exciting! But well, here goes!

1. I have been studying classical voice and opera since I was 19. I am a mezzo soprano and currently study at the Paris Conservatory. I LOVE to sing. I don’t have many current videos but here is one from early 2012, if you’d like to hear!

2. I love love love languages. They’re kinda my thing. Some people rock at math, others are Picasso reborn, I’m all right with the words. My first language was Spanish, since that’s what we speak at home, second was Japanese at the age of four, third was English in pre-school, fourth was Latin in seventh grade, fifth was French, which I began studying at the age of 15, and then I learned German in college and graduated with a minor in the language. Next languages up: Italian, Russian (so that I can sing their gorgeous music), Czech (same reason), and Chinese (because how cool would it be to speak Chinese?).


3. I’m an iPhone addict. I’ve tried to break the habit, but my phone is truly like another limb on my body. And I text at light speed.


4. I love to travel. I have eternal wanderlust and will never say no to a trip! The next places I’d like to visit are: Budapest, Stockholm, Istanbul, the beaches of Thailand, about ten different cities in Brazil, and Buenos Aires. And I’d love a wine tasting trip to Bordeaux (my favorite wine)!

Saint Tropez - most recent trip

Saint Tropez – most recent trip

plane pic

“Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away”

5. I am an Instagram fiend! My life is virtually on that app via pictures. For your daily dose of Paris, follow me at patriciaparisienne!


Some of the latest Instagram pictures on my account (@patriciaparisienne)

6. I studied Japanese folk dance for about ten years, starting when I was 7. I once got my hair styled for a performance at a Japanese dance festival with 100 bobby pins and actual wax. It took me months to fully get it out!

japanese folk dance

7 years old, ready to dance!

7. I love breakfast! My favorite place to have breakfast in La Jolla is The Cottage (their French toast is extraordinary), in Paris it has to be Les Bonnes Soeurs (it’s technically brunch…but it’s breakfast), and in Leamington, it’s the Mashed Swedes Cafe.

english breakfast at mashed swedes

Ready to dig in to my first English breakfast at Mashed Swedes Cafe!

The last part of the award: Nominate 15 other blogs and inform them about it.

So difficult to just choose 15! These are some of the blogs that I read on the reg and think are brilliant.

Folies du Bonheur

Ella Coquine

Prete-Moi Paris

Daily Cup of Couture

Au Lit? Agonies and ecstasies of living in a Foreign Language



Out and About in Paris

Paris Living – Habitat Parisien

Les Musées de Paris

Fox in Paris

A Beautiful Twenty-Something Life

Just the One Anne

Bron Voyage

Oh la la livia

Leopard for Breakfast

Thank you again, A French American Life, for this award, and thank you all for reading!

Sounding off from England this week,

xx PatriciaParisienne

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