La Galette des Rois – Three Kings Day Cake

The French celebrate Three Kings Day, or La Fête Des RoisThe first Sunday of each new year is dedicated to this celebration, and one of the most important players in this day is the delicious galette des rois.

France Galette des Rois three kings day la fete des rois

Traditionally a puff pastry with a frangipane stuffing (almond paste used in desserts), the galette is served to everyone in a very particular manner.  The youngest person present goes under the table and decides how the slices are designated.  Whoever finds the féve, the object placed inside the galette, is the queen or king of the day and, of course, gets to wear the crown that accompanies the galette.

Boulangère france galette des rois three kings day la fete des rois 2013

A French boulangère with her galettes des rois and crowns

This year’s galette was absolutely delicious, and the lovely Mieko was pronounced the queen of the day!

galette des rois la fete des rois france 2013 couronne feve

Mieko found the féve!